Kale Rejuvenation Slaw

This is Chef Charlotte’s award winning salad, that everyone who’s ever tried it loves! You will enjoy an amazing energy boost, glowing skin, and satisfaction.


1 large bunch kale
Juice of one lemon
¼ cup fresh parsley
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
½ cauliflower head, broken up into very small florets;
1 red beet, shredded
1 yellow beet, shredded
1 carrot, shredded
1 apple, shredded
½ small red onion, finely chopped
1 avocado, diced
¼ cup raisins
¼ cup sunflower seeds


Remove stems from the kale. Cut kale leaves into bite-sized pieces. Blend the lemon juice, parsley, oil, and sea salt together until smooth. Pour over the kale and massage it into the leaves until the kale is bright green and tender. Add cauliflower, beets, carrot, apple, and onion to kale and toss. Fold in avocado, and gently toss. Sprinkle with seeds and raisins.


3 Responses to Kale Rejuvenation Slaw

    • Yes this is a raw recipe. (Raw food is much more nutrient dense than cooked foods.) However, you can roast the cauliflower if you like, which adds a nice flavor.