Happy 4th of July week! As the US celebrates freedom and liberty, we wish you sparkling health and freedom from the symptoms of the western diet:
- Low energy
- Food hangovers
- Rapid aging
- Poor digestion
- Chronic disease
- Apathy
- Brain fog
- Excess weight
More than anything else, what we put in our bodies determines how we feel on every level, how well our bodies work, and how rapidly we age. What we eat literally makes up who we are. So why not choose nourishing, real food that keeps us energized, strong, and functioning at peak capacity? It tastes just as good, and usually much better, than the processed junk full of calories and devoid of nutrition. It usually only takes a little awareness and a few simple changes to enjoy abundant energy, clarity of mind, radiant skin, and sparkling health.
Frankin D Roosevelt said, “In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed, it must be achieved.” This is true in the health world as well. You are the only one that can create excellent health in your body. You can take medications and get treatments, but these usually provide temporary, superficial benefits, as well as negative side effects. In the truest sense, health is achieved by deep, inner nourishment and self care. Fortunately, in our land of plenty, we have grocery stores brimming with phenomenal options. All we have to do is make the better choices a little more often.
A fantastic and fun way to do that is through the raw food approach. Join us for Raw Rejuvenation this summer – a simple, relaxed, fun program with the most vibrant food you’ve ever eaten and perhaps the best results you’ve ever had. PS That raw blueberry pie with patriotic topping is right out of our raw rejuvenation recipe collection, and it is delicious!
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