Gifts That Show How Much You Care

Gifts That Show How Much You Care

So many of the gifts we default to giving end up being just more stuff that that clutters already over crowded closets and cabinets or unhealthy “treats” that end up making our loved ones feel poorly. After helping my mother clean out her packed, moldy basement this fall, I’m feeling especially anti-stuff and endeavor to… READ MORE…

A Winter Storm Warning

A Winter Storm Warning

For most of us, snow removal is an inconvenience that usually results in a runny nose, sore muscles, or at worst, a sore back. But some of us aren’t so lucky. Every year, approximately 100 men suffer from a heart attack during or just after shoveling, and many more head to the ER with chest… READ MORE…

EEE, WNV, and Lyme! OH MY!

EEE, WNV, and Lyme! OH MY!

In our area, everyone is on high alert about mosquitoes carrying Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Add this to on-going fears about the West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, and the upcoming flu season, and many of us are in a legitimate tizzy, dousing ourselves with chemicals and avoiding the great outdoors. Which of course makes sense… READ MORE…

Did you get enough D?

Did you get enough D?

  After a long summer of gorgeous sunny days, our vitamin D levels should be stellar! That’s because our skin makes vitamin D when it’s exposed to sunlight. But some of us don’t have optimal levels even at the end of August. Below I discuss why that might be, as well as testing, and important… READ MORE…