Happy, Healthy Father’s Day!

Happy, Healthy Father’s Day!

Wishing a very happy, healthy Father’s Day to all the dads in the crowd, and to everyone celebrating the wonderful dads in their lives! Keeping dads healthy is a special mission of ours, since we both lost our dads to preventable chronic disease way too early. One thing we really admire about the men who… READ MORE…

Three Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Summer

Three Ayurvedic Beauty Tips for Summer

Ready to glow this summer? These simple tips from the time-tested wisdom of Ayurveda (literally “the knowledge of life”) will help you look and feel your best! #1 Body Skin Care Abhyanga, or self oil massage, will restore youthfulness and radiance to your skin. Like all Ayurvedic beauty practices, the benefits are never purely superficial,… READ MORE…

Happy Global Wellness Day!

Happy Global Wellness Day!

This day, all across the planet, is dedicated to wellness! The goal is to reflect on how we can all live better lives, individually and as a global society. Even for just one day per year, www.globalwellnessday.org encourages us to: Recognize the value of our lives Be free from the stress of everyday city life… READ MORE…

Harness the Cleansing Power of Spring!

Harness the Cleansing Power of Spring!

According to traditional health care systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is a time of transformation and detoxification. Whether you look at it through the lens of energy moving, alignment with the seasons, or the liver and kidneys stepping up their detoxification activities, it’s happening! This spring you have a powerful choice to… READ MORE…

Healthy + Delicious Dressings

Healthy + Delicious Dressings

How do you make a healthy salad unhealthy? By pouring on dressings made with inflammatory omega 6 oils like vegetable, corn, and safflower. Ideally the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio should be 1:1, but in our culture, the ratio is more like 20:1 due to processed foods and commercial salad dressings. That high ratio increases… READ MORE…

Superfood Chocolate Bark

Superfood Chocolate Bark

This is divine… Not only is it delicious and sooo satisfying, but it is totally good for you! All of the ingredients are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It’s so rich that you only need a little bit. ½ cup maple syrup 1 cup coconut oil 1 cup raw cacao powder Splash of vanilla extract… READ MORE…

Forbidden Black Rice

Forbidden Black Rice

Black rice is so nutritionally dense that is considered a superfood. Although it appears black, it is actually very, very dark purple. The purple hue is due to a high concentration of anthocyanins, which are excellent for heart health and preventing cancer. In the days of old, black rice was reserved for royalty and their… READ MORE…

Game Plan for a Healthy Party Season

Game Plan for a Healthy Party Season

With the feast season in full force, opportunities for free-range, free-form, free-for-all face stuffing are endless. Although it’s fun and festive, there is a dark underbelly that no one is talking about. Well okay, everyone is talking about it, and it IS the underbelly. Our pants don’t like it, our dresses don’t like it, and… READ MORE…

Our Ultimate Gift Guide!

Our Ultimate Gift Guide!

Hats off to any of you who are DONE with your gift shopping already! What a wonderful way to avoid all that stressful last minute scrambling, stay relaxed, and actually enjoy the season. You are an inspiration to the rest of us procrastinators! And for the rest of us – here are our best ideas… READ MORE…