Multinational Cucumber Salad

Multinational Cucumber Salad

Ingredients 1 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp black mustard seeds ¼ tsp cumin seeds 1 Tbsp sucanat, honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar* 3 medium cucumbers, peeled and deseeded 1 jalapeño pepper, deseeded and diced ½ cup roasted peanuts (or almonds or walnuts) ⅓ cup dried large-flake coconut, toasted 2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice scant… READ MORE…

This is Water – Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life by David Foster Wallace

This is Water – Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life by David Foster Wallace

A perfect book for graduation season, and every other season, is “This is Water” – David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech at Kenyon College. After you read it, you’ll probably read it again, buy it for others, and search out everything you can about the author. Yeah, it’s that good. My take home perspective-shift from “This… READ MORE…

Tequila vs Wheatgrass

Tequila vs Wheatgrass

Do you love doing shots but want to be healthy? We have a solution… Do wheat grass shots! This gorgeous emerald green superfood beverage will make you feel SO good* that you won’t even want tequila shots anymore! Let’s be honest, tequila is fun for a few hours, but then your skin looks like a… READ MORE…

What do you REALLY want for Mother’s Day?

What do you REALLY want for Mother’s Day?

What do you really want for Mother’s day? The same old, same old – chocolate and flowers? Sure chocolate tastes good, but you don’t necessarily appreciate the after effects. Flowers are pretty, but they don’t last very long. How about the gift that keeps giving… something that makes your body lighter and brighter, your skin… READ MORE…

Cleansing Kitchari

Cleansing Kitchari

This powerful cleansing meal from Ayurveda balances your doshas (energies)! Feel free to adjust the seasonings to your taste. Don’t let the long ingredient list scare you – the active prep time is minimal. Spices are anti-inflammatory and chock full of antioxidants. This meal is also rich in protein and fiber. Some people eat this… READ MORE…

Super Food Tabouli

Super Food Tabouli

I keep running out of hemp seeds, and the other day wished for a way to buy hemp seeds in bulk. That wish manifested in ONE day – faster than anything else I’ve ever wished for! Doing a grocery store tour at Wegman’s, I saw on a low shelf a rather large 5 lb bag… READ MORE…

Matcha Chia Pudding

Matcha Chia Pudding

Chia seeds are energizing and excellent for reducing blood lipids! Matcha is a super nutrient dense version of green tea. If you make this at night, you can enjoy it as a super energizing breakfast! 1 cup unsweetened coconut, almond, or soy milk 2 Tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp matcha powder… READ MORE…

How to Prevent 8 Million Deaths

How to Prevent 8 Million Deaths

In the video below, Dr Pam Popper from the Wellness Forum discusses a meta analysis involving 95 studies and 2 million people that concluded that if everyone ate 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, we could avoid 7.8 million deaths from chronic disease. Furthermore, if people aren’t dying from chronic disease, most likely… READ MORE…

Cleanse Friendly Super Bowl Food!

Cleanse Friendly Super Bowl Food!

One thing we pride ourselves on is that you can actually enjoy food on our cleanse! And I don’t mean, only eating something healthy that fills your belly, I mean really enjoying the taste of the food and feeling good after you eat it! You can even eat delicious, filling food at parties on the… READ MORE…