3 Benefits of Fall Cleansing you’ll LOVE

In my many years of leading group cleanses, I’ve noticed that people tend to come in droves to the New Year and Spring Cleanses, while only the die-hard cleansers show up for the Fall Cleanse. That’s probably because everyone is so motivated to lose weight for New Year’s resolutions in January and bathing suit season in the spring. In the fall… not so much.

#1 If weight loss is one of your motivations for cleansing, consider this… Using advanced logarithms, I calculated that that summertime is twice as bad for indulgences than the holidays. Not only is the season twice as long, but there is so much variety – the vacations, fried food on the beach, ice cream stands, margaritas, and more. By September, our shorts are a bit tight and we’re reaching gratefully for our sweaters and jeans. So we have this extra summer padding courtesy of summer fun, and BAM! we’re into Halloween and the holidays, piling indulgence on top of indulgence. It is a wise strategy to cleanse in the fall to clear out the summer excesses, and then face the holiday season from a place of thinner peace. Not only will you feel much better and look your glowing best, but also you’ll avoid being one of the statistical Americans that steadily gain weight every year. #NotGonnaDoIt

#2 A good fall cleanse also supports immune function. Your immune system gets suppressed by sugar, dairy, and toxic food. During a cleanse, we give ourselves a break from all that, and deeply nourish our entire body, including the immune system. Then you’ll be confidently entering cold and flu season with a strong and resilient immune system. #Bulletproof

#3 One of the greatest benefits of cleansing is how much energy you feel after. We need lots of energy during the holidays, not only to tackle the endless to do list, but also to actually enjoy and savor the celebrations with family and friends. #Celebrate

If thinner peace, robust immunity, and loads of energy sound good to you right about now, we’re starting our gentle group cleanse this Sunday!

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